Building antifragility into European procurement functions

Here is why European procurement functions are switching their focus from resilience to antifragility.

As crisis after crisis grips the global landscape, it has become clear that contemporary companies will be operating in the midst of numerous challenges simultaneously for the foreseeable future.

In this environment, even as companies have come to accept these crises as the norm, the right way to optimise operations is evolving constantly. While it used to be the case that a company must shield their vital functions, including procurement, from external crises that seek to destabilise operations through more resilient and robust methodologies this method is no longer feasible.

In Kronos Group’s most recent eBook, Building antifragility into European procurement functions, our procurement professionals explore how antifragility has become the contemporary ideal for all companies and their procurement functions.

Learn all about:

  • Resilience vs antifragility
  • The need for antifragile procurement
  • What it takes to become antifragile
  • Securing continued success in the face of challenges

Download our free eBook to discover how antifragility is the only way for companies to not just navigate the volatile landscape but thrive in it.

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