Webinar: Green Procurement

Today, as environmental disasters affect millions of lives across the world, there is a greater focus on sustainable business practices that can reduce corporate impact on the environment.

Unlike in previous years, where environmental consciousness and sustainability were viewed as corporate social responsibility initiatives, today, they are necessities.

Businesses must contribute to the fight against climate change and environmental pollution by adopting greener manufacturing, logistics, and distribution processes.

In our Green procurement webinar, we explore the strategies that you can leverage to transform your procurement processes, embrace sustainability in your procurement activities, and reduce your carbon footprint—to have an actively positive impact on the environment.

We give you answers to questions like:

  • How can you implement sustainable procurement processes while maintaining profitability?
  • Why is it important to maintain environmental consciousness across your operations?
  • How can you develop future-focused, environmentally friendly procurement strategies?

Gain access to our webinar video by filling in your details in the form below.

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