
Risks are a part of every business, and in procurement organisations risks can cause disruptions in supply chains that can be devastating if not addressed promptly.

Many contemporary businesses are depending on a procurement consultant to help identify certain aspects of their functions, determine where risks emerge, and deduce how best to deal with the risks.

One of the key components of procurement is supply chain visibility. While organisations may find it difficult to identify how visibility can be enhanced, a trained consultant can help with not just identifying the areas that need further visibility but also mitigating the risks that may arise due to the lack of visibility.

Getting the right supplier is crucial, but it is also important to make sure that organisations have the necessary metrics to monitor supplier performance to ensure that the suppliers are providing the best services. While creating these metrics may not be simple, consultants have the necessary tools to develop them and guide organisations through the process successfully.

Having a strategy to mitigate supplier chain risks is also a salient component of procurement. Obtaining guidance to create these strategies and better mitigate the current and future risks in procurement can help organisations thrive.


Every industry has its unique set of challenges or complexities that are centred around its supply chains. Having the proper risk management processes in place, however, along with a robust procurement function, can help your organisation go a long way in minimising potential disruptions.

Using your organisation’s resources and expertise, you may choose to implement risk assessments or real-time monitoring to strengthen its procurement functions and supply chains. While this may be a viable option, a procurement consultant can provide more robust and in-depth insights and help your organisation master procurement challenges.

From poor contract management processes and inadequate supplier selection mechanisms to inaccurate internal needs analysis and reliance on manual processes, the right consultant can offer a range of insights and solutions on how you can transform these challenges and avoid potential risks.

Enhancing supply chain visibility

Procurement is a function that has a lot of moving parts and therefore, it can seem challenging to stay ahead of the risks that are impacting your operations.

This is where visibility plays a significant role in your supply chain as it becomes much easier to select suppliers, maintain relationships, and have a vantage point over where the biggest risks exist at any given time.

When it comes to visibility, a procurement consultant is a great addition since they are a third party who will have a fresh perspective of your organisation’s functions. They may be able to see potential risks that are looming and offer guidance on the best way to plan for and react to risks that are outside of your control.

Developing metrics to measure supplier performance

Suppliers are an important component in the procurement process and to foster strong relationships with them, you must also have the necessary tools in place to measure their performance—crucially, the right metrics. 

If your procurement organisation does not have the proper metrics laid out, you can be creating a landscape where you invest resources in suppliers that do not provide the outcomes that you are aiming for. This means that the first step you must take is to decide what those metrics are and then utilise the software and other tools needed to hit those metrics.

In order to avoid the risk of working with suppliers that cannot meet your expectations, a procurement consultant can offer their services to come up with the right metrics.

As professionals who are dedicated to procurement, they are able to analyse your organisation’s unique circumstances and provide the right expertise on how to measure supplier performance. This means that your organisation will have a much higher chance of setting the right metrics in a fraction of the time—and cost—than it would have without the right guidance and insights.

Creating a strategy for supply chain risk management

Possibly the most important way to mitigate the risks in a complex procurement setting is to have the right strategy in place. This may be easier said than done if your organisation does not have the right expertise to formulate a long-term strategy.

With this being the most important component of the procurement function, it is crucial to understand the impact that a right—or wrong—strategy can have on the future of your business.

You should go beyond the predictable components of a procurement strategy and look into factors that cannot be controlled. For instance, does your organisation have a contingency plan in the event that a supplier goes out of business and is unable to fulfil an order?

In order to come up with a strategy that addresses these as well as other potential risks, you must first accept that some external factors may be beyond your control and you must focus on the risks that you can control. This does not mean that you can overlook unprecedented events. It simply means that there must be contingency plans in place to minimise the impact of such disruptions.

Coming up with these strategies can be overwhelming, however, which is why most companies depend on procurement outsourcing services and professionals to guide them in creating the right strategy.

Mitigate risks with the right procurement consultant

Procurement today takes a different shape, so you must be aware of the risks that can impact your organisation’s procurement processes. 

One of the aspects of procurement is that no matter how well you prepare your organisation, risks will always exist and have an impact on your business.

The right consultants, however, can help you determine the areas in your procurement function that need to be strengthened and improved to prepare for any potential risks.